The MI3100S EurotestEASI is a fast, accurate and easy to use multifunctional measuring instrument which performs a basic set of installation safety tests according to IEC/EN 61557. In addition, it enables on-line voltage monitoring, phase sequence testing and earth resistance measurement. The MI3100S EurotestEASI incorporates full schematic help screens for each test, describing exactly how to connect the instrument into the installation and how to perform a test, and t
he large, bright LCD screen with backlight is perfect for working in dark conditions. The instrument also contains a list of characteristics of fuses and RCDs for PASS/FAIL evaluation of test results. The MI3100S EurotestEASI performs continuity, insulation, RCD, loop, line, voltage, frequency and phase sequence tests.
- Built-in help screens for referencing on site.
- Built-in fuse tables for automatic evaluation of the line / loop impedance result.
- Monitoring of all 3 voltages in real-time.
- Automatic polarity reversal on continuity test.
- Loop impedance test without tripping the RCD.
- Built-in charger and rechargeable batteries as standard accessory.
- Automated RCD testing procedure.
- Insulation resistance with DC voltage from 50 V to 1000 V;
- Continuity of PE conductors with 200 mA test current with polarity change;
- Continuity of PE conductors with 7 mA test current without RCD tripping;
- Line impedance;
- Loop impedance;
- Loop impedance with Trip Lock RCD function;
- TRMS voltage and frequency;
- Phase sequence;
- RCD testing (general and selective, type AC, A, F);
- Earth resistance (3-wire method).