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COVID-19 Alert Level 2 Update

Written by TransNet NZ Limited on May 18th, 2020.  1 comments


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TransNet Coronavirus Update - 14 May 2020


With some easing of restrictions in Level 2, it is essential we remain diligent and adhere to Government guidelines.  Please see below for important information or contact us at:
P: +64 9 274 3340   |   E:


What Safety Measures Is Our Team Taking To Stay Safe?

  • Regular hand washing, including before and after breaks
  • Regular sanitising of hands throughout the day
  • Designated work areas to ensure social distancing
  • Staggered break times to enable social distancing
  • Reduced seating in lunch room
  • All work areas cleaned and surfaces sanitised three times per day
  • Additional cleaning of facility to ensure all surfaces are clean
  • Restricted entry to facility
  • Contract tracing of all visitors to site
  • Hand sanitiser is readily available around the facility and in customer collections area
  • Restrictions on entry to the collections area, customers are to wait in their vehicle until the previous customer has vacated the building

If there are any products you’re struggling to source that you may not have considered TransNet for in the past, let us know, we will do our best to assist you with sourcing these items.
As your partners in power, we are here to help you keep the lights on during this unprecedented event. Please contact us with any concerns or questions you have. We have managed to continue with a business as usual approach this far and this is due to the diligence of our staff.
Thank you for your continued support

Spencer Winn
Managing Director
TransNet NZ Ltd
PO Box 39383, Howick,
Auckland, New Zealand

Customer Services Contacts:
Freephone:   0800 442 182
Phone:   +64 274 3340



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