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We provide a full line of connectors and accessories for low, medium and high-voltage cables for both underground and overhead networks, substations, grounding, rail transport infrastructure, industrial and OEM applications and accessories for overhead optical fiber lines (OPGW and ADSS) from brands like Simel, Utilux, Raychem and AMP.

AMPACT Connection System

Gelpact Covers

Mini Wedge Gel Enclosure (Snot Box)

AMPACT Cartridges

AMPACT Wedge Connectors

Mini Wedge Connectors

Copper Lugs

Copper Flared Lugs (Bellmouth)

Narrow Palm, Circuit Breaker Lugs

Sealed Copper Crimp Lugs

Copper Solder Lugs

Heavy Duty Copper Lugs

Long Palm Long Barrel Copper Lugs

Copper Crimp Links

Copper Crimp Links with Solid Barrier

Copper Reducing Links

'C' Connectors

Unilug for Aluminium Cables

Unilink for Aluminium Cables

Electrical Jointing Compound

Bi-Metal Crimp Lug

Bi-Metal Long Palm Lugs

Bi-Metal Crimp Stalk Lug