The old saying ‘If it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ obviously doesn’t always apply. Concrete Pole Blocks have always broken and every useless block carries a cost. Maybe everyone just took the heavy, unstable, fragile blocks for granted. Don’t ask why it took so long. TransNet took a look at the issue and came up with a blindingly simple idea for a replacement that has all the strength, better performance and at a fraction of the weight of concrete.

Your average existing Heel Block weighs around 34kg. You don’t want to drop one on your foot. TransNet’s version weighs 5kg. The larger Breast Block weighs a mere 14kg. Think of the benefits in transport and handling as well as the ease on your back.
Under stress testing at Industrial Research Ltd. Concrete crumbled fairly easily but the plastic new comer continued to resist. All ECOBlocks are certified, proven performers. Manufactured from high quality PE plastic they remain harm free to the environment throughout their long life.
When our customers had health and safety concerns about using concrete blocks we decided to do something about it. Our solution is ECOBlock, a strong, lightweight NZ made alternative to traditional concrete pole blocks. Quality material is key - you can't just use any plastic - so we make ours out of high quality recyclable PE. Tested for integrity, ECOBlock won't creep over time like other plastics can. Let's keep plastic out of landfills as well as keep staff safe. ECOBlock has been tested by IRL using NZ made concrete poles and proven to work as an integral part of correct pole installation.
- Light weight for easy handling and installation
- Install to stabilise power pole and prevent movement over time due to pull from wire cables
- IRL certified performance
- Made of high quality PE plastic
- 100% recyclable at end of life
- New Zealand made

Product Datasheet and Test Reports