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11kV Inline Joint Kits for XLPE Cables

11kV Repair Joints for 1C XLPE Cables

11kV Branch Joints for 1Core XLPE Unarmoured Cables

11kV Branch & Loop (Trouser) Joints for XLPE Cable

11kV Inline Joint Kits for MIND Paper Screened/Belted (PILC) Cables

11kV Transition Joints To Join PILC Cable to XLPE Cable

22kV Inline Joints for XLPE Cables

22kV Branch Joints for 1 Core XLPE Unarmoured Cables

22kV Repair Joints for XLPE Cables

22kV Transition Joints To Join PILC Cable To XLPE Cable

33kV Inline Joints for XLPE Cables

33kV Transition Joints To Join PILC Cable to XLPE Cable

Cross Bond Joints for 11kV, 22kV & 33kV

11kV Live End Seal Kits

22kV Live End Seals