We now offer the following services:
- BASIC CHECK: Most suitable for DMMs, Clamp Meters, Voltage Testers (e.g., Duspols) and similar lower cost instruments. You can tell us what the major scope of your work is, or what specific values you’d like to test. If you have no specific instructions for us, we’ll use our most suitable generic Basic Check template sheet for your model.
- CALIBRATION CHECK: This procedure is most suitable for mid-range, multifunctional instruments like Electrical Installation Testers, Appliance Testers, Micro-Ohm Testers and Insulation Resistance Testers (up to 10kV) - or similar. It will cover all functions of your tester to give you the peace of mind that all features of your instrument are in a good condition. We’ll endeavour to follow the manufacturer’s calibration report, or our model-specific accuracy template.
- FULL CHECK: This procedure is recommended for highly accurate and complex instruments, like Power Quality Analysers, top of the range Installation Testers, Process Meters, etc. and will check all ranges inside every test of your instrument. Your final test report will list a comprehensive range of readings from your instrument vs. reference readings from our most accurate reference calibrators. All checks and calibrations are traceable as our instruments are calibrated by IANZ Accredited or equivalent labs.
On special request we can provide you with a manufacturer’s specific calibration report (e.g., from Fluke).
Modern electrical instruments don’t drift out of calibration over time. If you suspect your meter is reading incorrectly, it’s most likely faulty. If this is the case, the procedures mentioned above won’t fix your issue. You need to ask for an
- We can do an INSPECTION when you’re not 100% sure what the problem is. We’ll do a detailed check on your meter and confirm any out-of-range readings, or tests that it is unable to perform. If there’s an easy fix to any discovered issue, we’ll repair it without extra charge.
- If you already know where the issue lies, or we can’t fix it during our inspection, then your instrument is due for a REPAIR. Usually, but not always, this means your instrument will have go back to the manufacturer. This may take several weeks before you get it back, but it will return completely checked and up to manufacturer’s original specifications. Please note, before any repair, we’ll do our best to provide you with the most accurate estimate of total costs for the repair. In some cases, it may be that buying a new meter is the most cost-effective option.
Before sending your tester in with a request for Inspection or Repair, undertake a basic fault find and check for broken leads, blown fuses or flat batteries. This could save you unnecessary expense and downtime.
Please print off and fill in the form below and include it with your instrument when you send it in for service.

Send to:
TransNet NZ Limited (Calibration Lab)
78 Cryers Road
East Tamaki
Auckland 2013